Gardeners have always enjoyed phlox. The colours are wonderful, the evening
scent is captivating, they are easy to grow
Here is an old fashioned annual flower,
that deserves more recognition than it gets. The large clusters of flowers are
very showy on compact plants. Compact is an understatement, as these plants
grow only 6-18 inches tall. The most common Phlox is annual. There are also
perennial varieties.
Despite their
small size, Phlox make good cut flowers, and are great in containers or window
boxes. A native of North America, the jewel-like flowers grow in clusters at
the top of the stems. These bright colored blossoms include shades of red,
purple, scarlet, yellow, and white, some with a flirty eye.
The meaning and
source of the name: The word ‘phlox’ derives from the Greek for ‘flame’, the
meaning of phlox is ‘Sweet dreams’, ‘harmony’.
Phlox are grown from seeds. Phlox seeds
can be directly seeded into your flower garden or seeded indoors for
transplanting later. For spring blooms, start indoors six to eight weeks before
the last frost. Young seedlings will transplant well into their permanent home.
Sow Phlox seeds
early in the season and cover lightly with 1/8" of fine garden or potting
soil. Water thoroughly once.
Transplant Phlox
into your garden after the last frost date for your area. Space them 8-10"
apart. They will tolerate a little crowding. They will look great filling in a
flowerbed, or as a border edging.
How to Grow Phlox Plants:
Phlox like full sun. They prefer rich,
loose soil that drains well. Add a general purpose fertilizer when planting
them, then once a month after that.
Once your Phlox
plants are established, they should grow well with few problems. Keep the soil
moist to slightly dry. Water them during dry periods, once or twice per week.
Keep them well weeded, or apply a 2-3 inch layer of mulch for a tidy
appearance. Pinch back tall stems to promote a bushier appearance.
Tip: Remove spent blooms to promote additional blooms and
extend the blooming period all summer long, and right up to the first killing
frost. This will also keep the appearance neat and beautiful.
Phlox are hardy
annuals. They will often survive the first few light frosts. They will not
survive a hard frost or freeze.